It is possible to set up rights for your users who have access to your PigVision database. Go to "General" - "Administration" - "Employee type" and here you will create employee types with the desired rights.


As a starting point, "ADMIN" is the default user type and always has full rights over the entire PigVision. AgroVision can add "Read" if a consultant needs "view access". If the user is to have rights to everything in PigVision, his or her employee type must be "ADMIN".

If the user should have different rights and not be the administrator in all menus, this must be set up here.


Lock data capture for users

When the employee type is set up, it is possible to lock the possibility of registering data after the specified number of days. Here you enter how many days it takes until data is locked, i.e. in this example, users with the employee types "Sows" and "Pigs" cannot edit data after 30 days:



Create a new employee type


Go to the bottom blank column of the window and enter the following:

Code: A code for the new employee type.

User type: Here you choose which user type the employee type should have, choose one of the following:1. User: The user only has access to production registration

2. Super user: The user has access to everything including finances, including e-control



Click on the new employee type and click on the "Setup of user rights" icon:


Here you set up which user rights the current employee type should have. You can set up user rights for registrations and menu items, respectively. Since you can do it for both, you can, for example, choose to allow you to see a menu item without having rights to registrations in it. Therefore, you decide on the two different parts in the two tabs "Registrations" and "Menus":


Registrations: here you choose which rights to registrations the current employee type should have. Click "+" to the left of each category to limit the possibility of registrations under "Rights". There are 3 rights in the drop-down menu: "None" where data is unavailable, "Read only" where data can be viewed and "Everyone" where data can be viewed and recorded.

Menus: here tick the menus that the current employee type should be able to see.

See our guide to setting up user rights here.



Assign an employee type to a user


Once the employee type is set up, it can be assigned to the individual users. Go to "General" - "Administration" - "Employee".



In this example, 2 additional employee types have been created: "Pigs" and "Sows". "Pigs" only have access to the menus in PigVision that relate to piglets and "Sows" only have access to the menus in PigVision that relate to sows.


User 3 is associated with the employee type "Sows" so his or her menu looks like this in PigVision:


User 1 is associated with the employee type "Pigs" so his menu looks like this in PigVision:


If you have several PigVision databases, you can export and import your employee types. See our guide here.


Test the user rights for an employee type


Go to "General" - "Select user type" and select the employee type for which you want to test the rights.