On the Person card you can register information on the customer. Before you can find the customer in the list, you must register it as a third party first. You do this in General - Third party.
On the person card you kan register distributor, contact person at the customer and delivery address:
For you to be able to fill out distributor, customer and delivery address they must be registered as a Third party. You do this in General - Third Party. If you add a distributor or a contact person, and they are registered with an email, it is possible to send a preliminary delivery note or an approved delivery note.
In the box "Attached file" you have the possibility to attach a file from your C-drive. This could be the contract or a checklist for the customer. This is only for own use as they are not sent to the customer.
On the person card you can also choose which fileformat to send to the customer.
If you choose "None", no file will be sent.
If you choose "PigVision" you will send a file that can be imported into PigVision and it will be a .xml file.
If you choose "WinPig.16" you will send a file that can be imported into WinPig.16 and it will be a .txt file. This is the one you should also choose if your customer is using CloudFarms.
If you choose "SvineIT" you will send a file that can be imported into SvineIT.
If you put a checkmark in "Include index" the index of the animals will be included on the delivery note.