When updating PigVision to the feed computer you get the error message: “Error in communication - Exception duing RunJob 


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Go to ”General” – ”Administration” –  ”Feed computer” and click on the small hammer and wrench called “Setup feed computer”. 

Check IP address and make a note of it:  



Open your internet browser and search for "What is my IP" and choose one of the pages. In this page you’ll see your computers IP address.  


If the IP address isn’t the same as in PigVision, you must contact your IT supplier and ask them to make sure you have a fixed IP address.  


If the IP address is the same as in PigVision, go to and put in your IP address: https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ 




If the port 80 is open: contact AgroVision. 

If the port 80 is closed: contact to your IT and ask them to open the port. And ask them to make sure that there is port forwarding. 


You have done all steps and you still get the error message  

Go to "Help" - "About" - click on "Open log file"

Press "Ctrl" + "End" on your keyboard to go to the bottom of the window, and press "Ctrl" + "F" - in "Direction" choose "Up" - in "Find what:" write "FC update" - and press "Enter" on your keyboard until you find the latest message containing the error message. 

If the error message say that the IP address cannot be found,  you must contact AgroVision telling us what the error message says.

When you get the error “Request timeout (90 seconds)” in the PigVision log file, then you must check if data is being transferred from PigVision to the feeding computer. 

Go to “Sows/Boars“ - “Animal” - “Sows in ESF system”. Find two sows to make changes to – in this example we look at sow 3719 and sow 3737. Check the sow’s location and the “Static deviation” on the sows. Go to the feed computer and check if the information is the same as in PigVision. If not, then make a note of the sow’s location and the feed deviation they have.  


Change the “Static deviation” on one of the sows, in this case sow 3737, the “Static deviation” changed from 100 to 120. 



Go to “Sows/Boars” - “Transfer sows” - in the green search field under “Animal” - “Number” search for one of the two sows you just checked before and move to another location.  

Sow 3719 is in this case moved from S4 to S1. 



Go to “Feeding” - “Update” and wait until the update is done or ending with the error. 

Open the feed computer and look up the sows you have made changes to, and check that the location and static deviation is the same as in PigVision. 

If you see that the changes came through, then change them back in PigVision and update again. 

Contact your feed computer supplier and tell them that the error message, in the data exchange between PigVision and the feed computer, is “Request timeout (90 seconds)”. They also must know if the changes came through or not, because that will help them in identifying the problem. 

They will take over and contact us if needed