In the example below, a work list with pregnancy scanning 4 weeks after service is created.
On the start screen, click on "All animals" and click on the "Filter" icon in the top to create a new work list.
Give the list a name, sort by "Animal number" and choose "Days after action".
Choose "Service" and decide when the animals should appear on the list by choosing minimum and maximum days after service.
Save the list by clicking "Apply sort and filter".
The list now shows sows, which was served between 25 and 30 days ago.
If you want the animals to appear after 6 weeks instead, simply adjust the minimum and maximum days after service.
To make one registration of several animals, you can press "Select" in the top right corner and either select specific animals or select all animals by clicking on the circle as shown below.
Press "Enter X animals" to continue.
Choose "Pregnancy test".
Write the date and choose result. The checkmark is positive, the cross is negative and the question mark is unsure.
If you select negative the sows will no longer be pregnant. If you select unsure, the sows are still pregnant but the scanning is unsure.
In this example the sows are set as positive.
You can choose to add more actions (service, relocation or treatment) to the event by pressing the icons in the button of the screen. If this is not the case, you can press "Save pregnancy test".
Now, these animals have been tested positive of pregnancy.