It is possible to print QR codes for easy registration in the PigVision Mobile Sows app.


Add QR codes to sow card


Go to "Sows boars" - "Print sow cards" and click "Setup layout sow card".

Here it is possible to insert the QR code in the top 3 or the lower 3 columns of the card. Click on the column you want the QR code to be. In addition, there are 2 different QR code info options in the dropdown menu to the right.
Select one of them and click "Ok" at the bottom.



Now there is a QR code on the card. In the example below, the QR code is inserted in the top right corner.




QR codes for sows

To print QR codes for sows, go to "General" - "Location" in PigVision.

Here, the locations must be created in a hierarchy, where the type "Barn" is the farrowing unit, and in the example below, sections and pens have been created and are a part of the farrowing unit and sections.


In the example below, "F1" and "F2" are set up as sections and they are part of "F" which is the farrowing unit. The pens "1-F1"-"3-F1 are part of the "F1" section and the pens 1-F2"-"3-F2" are part of the "F2" section.
You can create as many locations as you want.

Click the link below to see our guide to setting up locations: 
Create locations and sub-locations : PigVision | Customer Service Portal 


To print QR codes for the locations, you must mark the wanted locations and click on "Print", as well as select whether you want to print one or more QR codes per page.



A page with the QR code for the farrowing section "F1" can be seen below. Print and hang on the door to the section.



You can now scan the QR code in PigVision Mobile Sows via the camera-icon.