The list shows all active animals on your farm no matter status, last event and location. 

You have the opportunity to create your own work lists by adding filters.

The list shows all active farm animals in the top. 

To create a work list, press the filter icon.

Now you can create a list, which is based on parametres you decide. 

In the top of the screen, you can name the list, sort by animal number or location and filter by location, parity, service groups, sow state and/or days after action. 

The parametres can be combinded, so you can choose several options if wished. 

Press "Save and apply" when the list is done. 

If you have created multiple lists and you want to create a new, simply press the filter icon in the "All farm animals" list and press the plus (+) icon. 

If you wish to edit some of the list, you can press the pencil icon or you can delete a list.