Data is sent via the herd list. According to Statistics Denmark, there are four dates for reporting. You can see these here Svinebestanden - Danmarks Statistik.


Go to "Management" - "Farm list".


Enter the date of data reporting.


Click on the icon "Send to Statistics Denmark"


Data is displayed broken down by CPH numbers before it is submitted.

Click "Submit" to submit data.



If you can't send data

Contact information must be provided for the owner/operator in the form of name, e-mail and mobile number, as well as the company's CVR number and CPH number.

Go to "General" – "Choose farm" and enter the information here.


If there are multiple CHR numbers, they must be entered at each location.

Go to "General" – "Locations" – "CPH No."


Please note that CPH numbers can only be added for locations with "Location" as "Type".

If sublocations with a type other than "Location" are to be added to this CPH number, the code for the main location must be inserted in the "Part of" of the sublocation.

Data cannot be sent to Statistics Denmark for CHR numbers where the barn is rented. This is due to limitations at Statistics Denmark. For these CPH numbers, data must be reported manually.


Check weight in status

Go to "Sows/Boars" - "Status" and make sure that there is weight for the gilts at all statuses.