You can add graphs from the sow analyses below onto the dashboard/desktop of PigVision.

  • Customised analysis 
  • Effect analysis 
  • Herd analysis 
  • Production level 

How to do this is described below and the procedure is the same for all the above analyses. 

  1. Go to "Analysis sows" - "Herd analysis" - "PigVision" - "Litter"
  2. Select period and calculate the analysis
  3. Click on the icon "Graph"
  4. Select one or two key figures to show the graph for. In the example below the graph shows the key figures Liveborn/litter and Weaned pigs/litter

  5. Close the graph and the analysis windows 
  6. Press the "Icon setup" in the bottom of PigVisions home screen
  7. Find the herd analysis in the icon setup window and drag your layout onto the home screen.
  8. Place the icon where you want to show the graph
  9. Right click the icon and use “Set width” and “Set height” to define the size of the graph. Click on “Refresh time” to define how often the graph is updated
  10. Close "Icon setup" window and after a short moment, PigVision will show the analysis as a graph
  11. If you click on the graph it will open the analysis