In PigVision Mobile Growers (PVMG) app the animals are linked to locations, and all registrations on the app are based on locations and not individual animals like PigVision Mobile Sows.

To set up locations for PVMG you have to open PigVision and go to "General" - "Location".

When creating locations for growers set a checkmark below "Progeny" to the right. See the example below for 3 barns. 

The barn "K" has 4 sub-locations I set as "sections". When creating sections I can connect the sections to the main location "K" because it is set as a barn. Type the code for the main location below "Part of" - "Code" to connect the sections to the barn.

In the example below the barn "K" now has 4 sublocations: K1-4. 

It is also possible to set up pens for the sections. Create the pens individually like the sections or click on the barn-icon in the top to add multiple sublocations. 

Choose a code interval for locations codes fx "1"-"6". If you want "0" added in front of the code, set a checkmark fx "01"-"06".

Add a digit or a letter in front or end of the code fx "-K1" for the main section.

When you select the type "Pen" you can set it as a part of all location types except pens. In this example it is a part of "K1" which is a section.

Click "Create" when you are done. 

Now 6 new locations are added to the list of locations "1-K1" - "6-K1" and they are set as a part of the section "K1" above on the list.