In PigVision Mobile Sows you access the Selling Module by going to "Sales".

You are able to adjust a sale until it is approved. 

Any sale which is not approved

The following can be adjusted:

  • Adding/deleting/changing orderlines is possible
  • If you change an orderline containing animals not fitting the criteria anymore, they automatically get removed from the sale and are available to be added to another sale
  • When deleting an orderline, all selected animals will also be deleted from the sale and are available to be added to another sale

To delete animals: 

  • Go to 3: animals are displayed by orderlines. Swipe from right to left on the specific animal to delete.
  • Go to 4: animals are displayed as one full list. Swipe from right to left on the specific animal to delete.
  • If deleting a sale the selected animals get deleted and can be added to other sales
  • If the animals switch from one sale to another, it is automatically deleted from first sale 

Approving a sale

Go to 5: Last step 

Before you can approve a sale:

  • Delivery date has to be today or in the past
    Future sales can not be approved, but can be synchronized
  • Select a customer

  • Number of animals must be exact the amount of criteria or more, but never less

You can press "Approve & Sync" to approve the sale. Then the sale in the app gets approved and it synchronize to PigVision.