When clicking on "Sales" in the homescreen of PigVision Mobile Sows you see your ongoing sales. The sales are both with delivery dates in the past and upcoming deliveries 30 days ahead. 

On top there are two tabs:

  • "With customer" are open sales attached to a customer 
  • "Without customer" are sales not attached to a customer

In the top you can search for sale fx dates or customer. To delete a sale you swipe from right to left on the particular sale. Selected animals also get removed from the sale. 

Below you can go to the customer list or create a new sale:

Customer list is a list of available customers to create a sale for. They can be listed by:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • PigVision code
    The 5 first numbers of the database code fx "WP_XXXXX1" - Look at the top left corner in PigVision

Open sales that have not been approved yet also appears on the Customer list.