When you have registrated your herd number, you are able to set up herd number pools for piglets.

Go to "Breeding" - "Herd number pool". Double click on your herd number to set up number pools.
Below is an example for creation of number pools: 

For Topigs Norsvin the tattoo ID includes 3 letters that indicate which herd the animal are linked to. The 4. letter indicates the race. The last 4 numbers are serial numbers that counts fx 0001-9999 and starts over when reaching the end. 

Number based on: Father breed. When the program selects a number pool for a litter, it will only check for the father breed (1st letter in the breed).

Breed: Type the breed of the father-boar.

Numbering of Boar/Sow: Select whether you want to number boars, sows, or both when tagging piglets. 

Count style: Choose "ALFANUMBERPOOL" when it is Toppigs Norsvin.

Alfa number pool Actual: In the column "Actual" you can type the next available number.

Alfa number pool - Count pattern: When set as "aaaa1111" means no changes in the first 4 letters, but starts with 0001 and when it reaches 9999 it starts over for the last 4 numbers.

Avoid overlap: Set "Count pattern" for "aaa21111" the 4. letter will raise for each time the last 4 numbers reach 0001 fx "ABCA9999" - "ABCB0001".